The first edition of "All Angers is moving" seems to have worked. This initiative of town hall designed to make the public aware of the interest of the reconquest of the Maine banks has gathered about 1 000 athletes and as many of spectators on may the 30th.
A urban trail winded inside the oldest districts of Angers among the sinuous and cobblestoned streets of the Doutre and the Cité linked by Beaurepaire bridge. The runners had to go through several monuments of Angers like the city hall, museums and even the theater.
Walking, running or cycling on a speedway usually overcrowded by cars, but this sunday in a quiet atmosphere was unusual, and even strange. Regarding the density of the traffic all day long on this road considered by many Angers as a scarface, the pedestrian felt a little bit unsecure and distrusful.
But the initiators of the project may have reached their goal : convincing Angers that the delivrance of the banks for cars (But where will they go?) is valid.
(Credit picture : Tony)
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