Some of them gathered in Ralliement square on saturday and plan to launch a petition against the project. Users of parking facilities in Angers made clear that they will not travel throughout the town with the public transports if the fares were more important. On that field the reasons of the increase of fares, expressed by Vincent Dulong, other deputy-mayor, is those fares should be lower in Angers compared to Le Mans or Nantes. So what?
These measures are symbolic of the present trend in many cities. Avignon intended to implement the same taxe which was cancelled by justice. Instead of decreasing expenses, they choose to increase revenues. Angers is embarked in costly projects and among them the new banks of Maine, a second trolley line, a giant swimming pool, a city for solidarity. To finance such schemes, it should be wiser to reconsider present expenses because too many taxes kill taxes... (Credit picture : Wikipedia)