The new municipal bike service "
VéloCité+" will open on march 22
nd in front of the Angers railway station. The travellers arriving in Angers Saint-Laud will so get at their disposal that rental service completely different, and even opposed, from the service Angers inhabitants already got since 2004 : "
But, in fact, the sign "
+" here means... less! If, thanks to "
VéloCité", every Angers resident can rent a bike, up for a year and for free. Most of the beneficiaries of that facility in Angers are students. It means to pay local taxes to the city has no influence on the access to the service. An inhabitant, who annually finance the service through his tax, may use VéloCité only once in his lifetime.
In "
VéloCité+", a travellers arriving in Angers will have to pay from 2 to 10 euros "
+" a membership fee ranging from 1 to 5 euros. That point is incomprehensible : why the use of a bike for a year is free of membership cost (no deposit is compulsory) and the use for a single day, or a few days, is not? Why somme people who don'pay taxes in Angers have a free access to bikes and visitors comin in town for business or tleisure have not? In those conditions, it is no surprising "
VéloCité" be a success! "VeloCité +" will be more or less successful?